Seven Ways Yoga Transforms Your Life
by N. Allen 

The other day, one of my yoga students said to me - "yoga is more than a set of exercises; it's changed my whole life".

Naturally, I was pleased to hear that.

In the west, people generally are more aware of the physical benefits of yoga, e.g., improved flexibility, better posture, and stronger muscles.

The spiritual benefits and impact yoga has on your overall lifestyle are slightly harder to define. These are the subtle, intangible benefits which are hard to define

What follows are seven ways regular practice of yoga transforms your life.

1. Yoga makes you Feel Good

As you practice yoga you gain an inner sense of pride and accomplishment. Each week you see visible proof of your body's ability to stretch a bit further into a pose and stay there a bit longer.

2. Yoga Helps to Nurture Your Inner Core.

Yoga gives you the space and time to tune in and become aware of what is going on in your body. The body is a marvelous instrument, designed to care and protect you. Due to the mad pace of life we live today, it is easy to ignore what is going on in your body. We rush our food, we eat on the run, there just never seems to be the time to be still and take stock of what is going on in your life. The more you practice yoga the more attuned you become to the nuances of your body and have a desire to find ways which enhance your wellbeing.

3. Yoga Energises You.

Have you noticed how energised and calm you feel after your yoga session? You feel balanced and whole ready to calmly tackle any problem which comes your way.

4. Yoga Helps You To See The Good In Everyone.

Yoga philosophy encourages you to see the good and recognise the goodness in everyone. As your interest in yoga deepens you find it easier not to judge and to give everyone a fair and equal chance. As Sri Babaji says "there is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future" The more in tune you become with yourself, the easier it is for you to embrace and accept the differences in others.

5. Yoga Encourages You To Be Sensitive To The Needs Of Others.

It's funny, the more you practice yoga, the deeper your sense of affinity and understanding of other people's needs comes to the fore. You come to realise there is space enough for everyone to shine. There is no need to grab and take from others. Yoga encourages expansion and gives you a sense of "spaciousness" in your thoughts and actions.

6. Yoga Inspires Inner Vision

Regular yoga practice connects you on a deeper level with your dreams, hopes and aspirations. The pituitary gland, which releases hormones to control other glands throughout the body, is stimulated. On an energetic level this increases your ability to look inward as well as outward with clear vision, compassion and tolerance.

7. Yoga Strengthens Your Connection To Others

As you flow through your practice, your ability to transcend earthly cares and concerns deepens, yet at the same time, you are able to be grounded in reality. Decisions and actions are made from a wider perspective, one that embraces and includes universal humanitarian goals and aspirations as opposed to goals which just benefit you

So, there you have in. In a nutshell, seven of the reasons why my yoga student feels yoga have turned her life around.

Ntathu Allen, Yoga and Meditation Teacher works with women who want a richer, more fulfilling life for themselves and their families. She teaches you easy yoga postures, meditation practices and relaxation techniques to help you live a healthier, wealthier and happier stress-free life. To find out more go to: and sign up for your copy of Ntathu's free monthly yoga Inspires enewsletter. The newsletter contains a goldmine of tips, techniques and strategies you can use to become healthier, wealthier and happier.
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